Digitaalinen infrastruktuuri ja teknologia pitää sisällään mm. seuraavia osaamistarpeita: teknologian kehitys, tietojärjestelmät, järjestelmäkehitys, järjestelmien hallinta, digitaaliset kaksoset.
ChatGPT:llä tehty yhteenveto aineistoista tunnistetuista osaamistarpeista englanniksi: The theme of skills and competences related to digital infrastructure and technology revolves around proficiency in information systems, technology development, system management, and systems development. Professionals in this area require technical expertise in areas such as data management, software development, and automation technology, as well as the ability to work with complex systems and problem solving. Additionally, there is an increasing focus on the economic implications of digitalization, with skills in economic analysis and development becoming more relevant. Soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and cultural sensitivity are also valued, as well as the ability to innovate and adapt to new technologies. In the context of digital twins, professionals need to have a deep understanding of information technology, big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, production processes, system management, and economic science, with a focus on the development and integration of digital twins with other digital technologies.
Datan hallinta ja analyysi edellyttää mm. datastrategista osaamista sekä data-analyysin ja -analytiikan, data-arkkitehtuurien, big datan ja tekoälyratkaisujen osaamista. Lisää dataan liittyvistä osaamistarpeista.
ChatGPT:llä tehty yhteenveto aineistoista tunnistetuista osaamistarpeista englanniksi: In today’s business landscape, data is a valuable asset that can provide critical insights and competitive advantages. To effectively manage and analyze data, companies need professionals with skills and competencies in data strategy, data analysis, and big data. A comprehensive understanding of data strategy development, implementation, and management is essential, as well as the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. Advanced technical skills and knowledge of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are also necessary for data analysis in the context of digitalisation. With a strong foundation in digital technology, data management, and strategic planning, companies can leverage big data to drive growth and innovation.
Strategia ja innovaatiot toimivat pohjana digitalisaatiolle yrityksissä. Tarvittavia osaamisia mm. yleinen strateginen osaaminen, liiketoimintastrategiat, liiketoimintamallit, tuotekehitysosaaminen, toimitusketjut, ymmärrys tekoälyn mahdollisuuksista, palveluinnovaatioiden osaaminen.
ChatGPT:llä tehty yhteenveto aineistoista tunnistetuista osaamistarpeista englanniksi: Strategy and Innovation in the context of digitalisation require a combination of skills and competences. It involves developing a sustainable and secure digital strategy by adapting organisational structures to technological change, understanding business model development and economic science, and having proficiency in information technology and ICT. It requires a focus on employee development, creating a culture of innovation and learning, and fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. Companies need to streamline processes and optimise performance, integrate new technologies, and create sustainable business solutions to deliver value in the value chain. Additionally, they need to build and implement innovative AI solutions that meet customer needs and apply AI to a range of business models. In summary, successful Strategy and Innovation in the context of digitalisation require a balance of business, technology, and leadership skills.
Kestävyysosaamiset pitävät sisällään mm. kestävän kehityksen, uusiutuvan energian ja vedyn, vähähiilisyyden ja kiertotalouden osaamisia.
ChatGPT:llä tehty yhteenveto aineistoista tunnistetuista osaamistarpeista englanniksi: Sustainability within the context of digitalisation requires a combination of technical and business-related competencies that are essential for developing sustainable digital solutions. Companies need to have a deep understanding of environmental sciences and economic principles, technical skills related to system management, information systems, and renewable energy. Furthermore, developing sustainable business models, creating value through service innovation, and leading teams towards sustainable practices are also crucial skills for digitalisation in the context of sustainability. With a shift in focus towards digital technologies and data management in the renewable energy sector, professionals working in this field require diverse and wide-ranging expertise in areas such as environmental sustainability, supply chain management, data management, and digital technologies, as well as knowledge of specific industries such as telecommunications and finance.
Tarkastelussa olivat työpaikkailmoitukset ja tutkimusjulkaisut, joissa mainittiin sana digitalisaatio. Tulokset kertovat siis erityisesti siitä, millaisessa yhteydessä digitalisaatio-sanaa käytetään, eli mitä digitalisaatiolla toimialalla ymmärretään. On huomattava, että digitalisaatioon liittyy myös laajemmin paljon osaamisia, jotka eivät tule tällä tavalla esille. Esimerkiksi ohjelmoijan työpaikkailmoituksessa ei useinkaan puhuta digitalisaatiosta, vaikka ohjelmistot ovat keskeinen osa digitalisaatiota, eivätkä digitalisaatiota sivuavat tutkimusjulkaisutkaan aina käytä digitalisaatio-sanaa.